Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Hedgehogs on a beach with baggage!

That's the alternative title for my talk at this years Fertility Show; if you want to find out more come along on Saturday 2nd November, Olympia at 3:45pm. 

The real title is a little less cute: Managing Relationships Through Infertility, it is also important to share that 'Relationships' does not just mean partners, this talk is relevant for anyone who interacts with other people. 

Find out more about the Fertility Show and do have a look at all of the seminars available over the two days.


Thursday, 13 June 2013

If you are seeking longer term counselling (12+ sessions) I now have spaces available on a Thursday evening in Harley Street.

Counselling can help you to explore your past, acknowledge your present and embrace your future; counselling does not tell you what to do, guarantee to help you feel better or how advise how to fix other people. 

You are welcome to attend an initial assessment free of charge to explore how counselling might benefit you.